Since it's national poetry month and spring, here are some delightful poems to welcome this light-filled season with!
1. Such Singing in the Wild Branches by Mary Oliver
Mary Oliver's poems are often dotted with the delights of nature and the joy of life, so her poetry is perfectly suited for this season.
2. Spring Rain by Sara Teasdale
Almost nothing says spring better than wild rain and remembered love.
3. A Prayer in Spring by Robert Frost
A lovely, short plea asking to stay in the beauty of the here and now.

Rossetti is one of my favorite poets of the 19th century. Check out this lovely rendition of what's truly happening in spring: how alive everything is.
5. The Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti
A short, slightly humorous poem about Rossetti's hopes for this insignificant, yet potentially beautiful creature.
6. In Just by E.E. Cummings
One of my friends loves Cummings so much that she named her car after him. Me, not so much, but this poem is sweet and whimsical-perfect for this season.
7. Spring by Gerard Manley Hopkins
A lovely lyrical look at lambs, thrushes, and trees (so, basically, all things spring).
8. Today by Billy Collins
I feel like Collins and I are great friends since his poetry is so real, raw, and risible. Although Today is not risible, it gives you a fresh perspective on the wonder of today.
9. After the Winter by Claude McKay
This poem will make you sigh and murmur, 'aw' at its conclusion. After all, isn't love what we're all searching for?
10. Lilacs by Amy Lowell
You can't have spring without flowers...or, more specifically, lilacs!