Friday, February 1, 2013

A Piece of Beauty

I'm going to try to write more poetry because first of all, it's beautiful, and secondly, as a writer, it looks good if you have had poetry published in magazines or contests. I'm trying to build my skills in this area, for I'm far from being a poet. Thus, here is a poem for your enjoyment. (Please read it with mercy; it's a rough draft and as I said, I'm not a poet!)

     The wind pulls and tugs,
attempting to change my mind,
the salty sea slaps my face
as if I am a naughty child.
Thunder roars with disapproval
and lightning reveals my foolishness.
With trembling fingers
and trembling hopes
I cling to the beaten rock.
The dream-beautiful Mer swirling in the waves
sing of Forgetting,
of careless days playing in the azure waters,
of making friends with the sea.
With trembling fingers
and trembling hopes
I cling to the beaten rock.
The dry men in the luxurious boat
yell of Reason,
 of warm days eating belly-filling food on soft beaches,
of making friends with the land.
With trembling fingers
and trembling hopes
I cling to the mighty rock,
the giant that has outlasted
the tempations of Time and Weather,
and helps me do the same.
Now that I am re-reading this, it doesn't sound so beautiful after all! Oh well, you have to start somewhere. What do you think of poetry? You should try writing a poem, it's fun and doesn't have to be about anything profound. I dare you to write a tiny, at least 4 stanza-long poem this week. (And no, it doesn't have to rhyme.) The prize is getting to say you did it, and that are more artistically inclined than you once were. And if you write it, please post it so we can all recieve a piece of beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Nice analogy and paralellelism (YAY I remembered that from AP English a scary long time ago) and I love the sea theme - hm - could it be because I was born on a tropical island? Anyway, great poem! Nice imagery!
