Monday, November 10, 2014

Wycliffe World Day of Prayer

Cameron Townsend, the man who originally formed Wycliffe Bible Translators, and L.L. Legters attempted to cross the border into Mexico on Nov. 11, 1933. Townsend had already translated the Scriptures in Guatemala into the Cakchiquel language and longed for people to read the Bible for themselves.

Townsend shared this vision with an educator in Mexico, Dr. Moises Saenz, who, impressed, wrote a letter inviting Townsend to work in Mexico. At this time in history, Mexico did not allow new overseas missionaries in the country and those already stationed there struggled with many restrictions. After praying long and deeply, a group of believers in New Jersey decided Townsend and his friend Legters should attempt to receive permission for Bible Translation work in Mexico.

Mexico City
At the border, guards refused to let the men enter. So, they prayed. Then Townsend remembered the letter Dr. Moises Saenz had given him and handed it to the guards. They knew the author of the letter, an admired leader, and called for orders.

While they waited for an answer, Townsend and Legters prayed and sang. And when the answer came, it was a yes. The men could enter Mexico. They could translate the Word of God for the those considered the least of these.

So, Wycliffe pauses on November 11th each year to remind themselves of the importance of prayer and to pray on behalf of those how don't know his name yet.

How to Pray for the Bibleless:
Papua New Guinea Children 
1. Pray for the message, that the last languages of the world would receive God's Word in whatever form they need it. Pray for quality translations that stick to the target of the true meaning of the Bible.

2. Pray for the people, that they would hunger and thirst for the eternal words that bring life. Pray that the Lord would transform their lives through the gospel.

3. Pray for the personnel, that the Lord would call, train, and send them. Pray for the safety and strength of the workers.

4. Pray that God would be glorified in all that Wycliffe does, plans, and dreams.

*On a separate note, Christmas is just around the leaf-choked, autumn corner! (I know, it's not even Thanksgiving, but this holiday is sneaking closer every day...) If you don't know what to give someone, or would like your gift to be more meaningful this year, please consider giving to my Wycliffe ministry at the link in Wycliffe's Christmas catalog

Please also consider sending this link to your network to further God's work of Bible translation all over the world. May the ripples we make in this life spread out into eternity for God's glory and our joy!

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