Sunday, January 13, 2019

Reading Challenge 2019

Do you ever find yourself, especially at the beginning of a new year, gazing at your to-read list (because all cool people have one of those) and wondering, "What in the world should I read? Where do I even begin?" I often have this terrifying problem, and I frequently get stuck in a rut of reading the same kinds of books or authors over and over again. 

So, in order to help you and I figure out what books on our lists to read and to help unearth some treasures that we might not typically come across, I've developed a 2019 Reading Challenge. Over the course of this next year,* read a book in all of the following categories. If you're feeling especially ambitious, try to devour as many as you can in each category. Books that you've read before count, but only if you actually re-read them. 

Categories for 2019: 
Read (or listen to) a novel: 
1. With a (mostly) blue cover. 
2. That takes place in a country not your own. 
3. That begins with the letter, 'L' 
4. That was a gift from someone 
5. With a title relating to eating (it can be one word of the title)
6. With a child (not a teenager) as the main character 
7. That has giants
8. By an author who shares your first name
9. By an author who has the same letter in his/her first and last name (Ex. Salazar Slytherin) 
10. That is at least 200 pages long (this is your freebie!)
11. That contains maps 
12. That is 100 years old or older
13. That you've always wanted to read but haven't yet 
14. About books
15. Written by a local author
16. Possessing leaves on the cover 
17. That is a true story
18. That takes place in space 
19. That has a fox on the cover (because foxes are just so cute) 
20. About someone traveling to a new place 

In a year, I'll post what I've read in each of these categories, and I want to see what you've read too, so keep track. Happy reading! 

*I might at some point make this a timed challenge (with less categories), but I don't need that extra pressure right now. Let me know what you think in the comments below. 

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