Saturday, December 15, 2012

War on Christmas

Is there a war on Christmas? We were talking about this a little bit in one of my classes the other day, and personally, I don't think it's a war on Christmas as much as it is on Christ. Satan and the world want to rip him away from Christmas and make it just about gifts, just about ourselves.

No other holidays from other religions receive the emotional drama that Christmas and Easter do, to my knowledge. Some people want to remove nativities from public places and say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". This is the same fight our nation has had about changing the pledge of allegiance and taking "In God We Trust" off our bills.

Should we as followers of Christ be surprised by any of this? Jesus said all who follow him will be persecuted and hated; just look at Christ and the disciples. Followers of Jesus in other nations are literally being killed, scorned, and imprisoned for there faith, while the battle in America is much more subtle, coming through lies in the media, government, and ourselves, right where it catches us the most: selfishness and pride.

Sometimes I think it would be easier to be a follower of Christ in a country where you could be killed for him. There, you have to follow him wholeheartedly or not and usually know for sure who Satan is using to fight against Christ. I wouldn't know for sure though, because I've never lived in a place like that. Even if it would be easier, it would be more frightening. But believers in these countries are forced to trust Christ in all things, and these trials strengthen their faith brilliantly. Someday our nation will be at this violent stage. Are we ready? Will we be bold for him like Paul?

It's so easy to forget Jesus and the reason he came not only at Christmas, but every day. Praise God that he won't let Satan or our flesh tear Christ from our souls or make us forget him completely!

What are some ways we can fight this war for Christ? And please keep those who are suffering for Jesus in your prayers this Christmas (and after that too). I hope everyone finds joy in the celebration of the birth of the King of Kings and his ultimate resurrection!

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